World War I Posters: Buy bonds and the importance of merchant marine

They Kept the Sea Lanes Open - Invest in the Victory Liberty Loan poster
They Kept the Sea Lanes Open - Invest in the Victory Liberty Loan
Artist: L.A. Shaffer
Published by W.F. Powers Co. Litho. NY
Dimensions: 39 x 29 inches

Poster for Second Liberty Loan
Poster for Second Liberty Loan. 1917. No information available.

Help crush the menace of the seas poster
Help crush the menace of the seas
Buy liberty bonds: buy quickly: buy freely
Artist: Joseph L. Grosse, 1918
Rainbow Division Special Liberty Loan Committee
Dimensions: 27.5 x 17.75 inches
Published NY: O'Connor-Fyffe, Adv.


Sugar means ships poster

Sugar means ships -- The consumption of sugar sweetened drinks must be reduced For your beverages 400 million lbs. of sugar were imported in ships last year -- Every ship is needed to carry soldiers and supplies now.
Artist: Ernest Fuhr
United States Food Administration
The Carey Printing Company


World War II Posters

Merchant Marine in World War I

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